Easter Weekend begins.
Byrom, Sid and Toby played in a golf tournament on Friday. To no ones surprise, they tied for first and lost in a draw.
Scott, Jen and the kids met Mom and I at the new country club restaurant. It is beautiful and the food was delicious.
James on roof about to jump in the pool. Breakfast was also served on the roof.
Walter about to take a jump into the pool.
Scott & Errol Jonsson
Susie and Mary Jane
Ronny and his '65 Thunderbird
Scott, Susie, Marty, Annette and Robert Guyler
Marty's new blue Chevy Truck
Next a party at Sid and Gretchen's. Gretchen had a huge movie screen for the kids to watch John Wayne's Cowboys on. Byrom was on front row.
The Carr twins Savannah (Sid & Gretchen's middle child) & James (Scott & Jennifer's youngest). James is a twin with 2 people; Savannah & Jed.
Jennifer Carr & Susie (me)
Gretchen Carr (married to Sid) & Katy Oliver (married to James)
Jennifer Carr (married to Scott) & Louella Carr (mom)
The Easter Egg Hunt begins. James found 2 of the golden eggs and Walter found 1.
Walter Carr (Sid & Gretchen's youngest)
Miranda checking out her loot
Jed Carr (Scott & Jennifer's oldest) - did I miss something ?????
Big fun, thanks so much to the Butlers and Carrs for hosting all the events. We had a terrific time. Te amo mucho!