Easter Weekend begins.
Byrom, Sid and Toby played in a golf tournament on Friday. To no ones surprise, they tied for first and lost in a draw.
Scott, Jen and the kids met Mom and I at the new country club restaurant. It is beautiful and the food was delicious.
1st a party at Byrom and my house. Fun was had by all. Guest included; Brady & Mandy, Robin, Bradley, Karla & Mike Woerner, Tia & JM, Mom, Scott, Jennifer and boys, Sid, Walter and Savannah and Toby even stopped by for a bit.
James on roof about to jump in the pool. Breakfast was also served on the roof.
Walter about to take a jump into the pool.
Scott & Errol Jonsson
Susie and Mary Jane
Ronny and his '65 Thunderbird
Scott, Susie, Marty, Annette and Robert Guyler
Marty's new blue Chevy Truck
Next a party at Sid and Gretchen's. Gretchen had a huge movie screen for the kids to watch John Wayne's Cowboys on. Byrom was on front row.
The Carr twins Savannah (Sid & Gretchen's middle child) & James (Scott & Jennifer's youngest). James is a twin with 2 people; Savannah & Jed.
Jennifer Carr & Susie (me)
Gretchen Carr (married to Sid) & Katy Oliver (married to James)
Jennifer Carr (married to Scott) & Louella Carr (mom)
The Easter Egg Hunt begins. James found 2 of the golden eggs and Walter found 1.
Walter Carr (Sid & Gretchen's youngest)
Miranda checking out her loot
Jed Carr (Scott & Jennifer's oldest) - did I miss something ?????